
Cattle are one of the most used animals for science in NZ. Learn about the many ways they are used!

Thousands of cattle are used for scientific purposes in Aotearoa every year. In fact, they have been one of the most commonly used animals in NZ science since 1989!

This sadly makes sense when you consider how widely they are exploited for their milk and their bodies.

The species of cattle is simplified to cows by many people. Actually, only the mothers are called cows:

  • Heifers are female cattle before they become mothers.
  • Calves are their babies.
  • The males are referred to as bulls (or steers if castrated).
Animal agriculture:

Thousands of cattle are used in Aotearoa every year in research aimed at trying to sustain, enhance and make more money for the animal agriculture industry.

Examples include research into:

1. Decreasing their negative impact on the environment - a cow on its own won't create a huge impact but because we have bred so many cattle in NZ, their collective impact is huge!

  • Cattle have been put in respiration chambers so the amount of methane they produce can be measured. Researchers have also glued urine sensors around their vulva to try and investigate ways of reducing the amount of nitrogen produced in their urine (methane and nitrogen can create negative impacts on the environment).

2. Increasing the survival rate of calves - not for the calves themselves but so the animal agriculture industry doesn't lose as much money.

3. Learning more about the fertility of cows (i.e., trying to improve artificial insemination and reduce the rest time in-between pregnancies for cows). Again, this research is not done for the cows themselves but so they be made pregnant as often as possible so that more money can be made from their exploitation.

4. Genetic modification to try and create more desirable traits in cattle (i.e., genetically modifying cows to change the properties of their milk).

5. Diseases that cattle on farms often get such as lameness, mastitis (a common infection of the udder in dairy cows) and fungal and parasitic infections. This type of research often involves making the animals sick on purpose.

6. Ways of housing and keeping large numbers of cattle on farms (i.e., research into bedding, floor types, shelter, shade and hygiene practices).

7. Trying to find more “humane” slaughter methods (i.e., investigating what type of gas kills piglets the quickest and if stunning animals before killing them creates less of a pain response).

8. Different types of pain relief for standard procedures in the animal agriculture industry (i.e. dehorning, castration, C-section).

9. Safety tests for chemicals and animal remedies, including medications, supplements and fertilizers.

10. Increasing milk or muscle (beef) production (i.e., feeding cattle different additives and measuring how its digested).

Fistulation: Cattle with holes cut into their bodies

For decades, researchers have artificially created fistulas (also known as cannulas) in ruminant animals such as cattle, sheep and deer. These are essentially window-like holes in the side of an animal's body.

Fistulas are tubes that are created surgically to connect a cow or sheep’s stomach to her skin. The outside of the fistula is covered with a plastic cap that can be opened by scientists to remove stomach contents for analysis or introduce foreign substances.

It is a painful procedure and cows are still suffering from the intrusive surgery up to 11 days after the surgery. Learn more here.

Additional calf exploitation - the calf blood industry

Calves and calf foetuses are killed, and the blood is drained from their bodies to be used in other research.

There are two main types of calf blood products: Fetal bovine serum and New Born Calf Serum.

Fetal bovine serum is taken from foetuses that have been removed from their mothers in slaughterhouses after they have been killed. A needle is injected into the foetus’ heart, and the blood is pumped out. The foetuses have to be alive during this so that their blood comes out easier. They also have to be at least three months into the gestation period to ensure that their heart is large enough to puncture.

Newborn Calf Serum is sourced similarly; calves who are 20 days old or younger have their heart punctured and are bled to death.

These products are used as a media base and growth supplement in many different types of research.

In the news

Mycoplasma Bovis: "Researchers will measure how M. Bovis impacts infected animals and herds, including physical signs, effects on milk yield and quality, weight gain in cattle, and the duration of these effects." Read more.

Cow shock collars: "Animals wear GPS-enabled collars that identify their location relative to invisible fence lines created on a digital farm map. The animals are trained to be guided by audio prompts (beeps) from the collars when required. As an animal gets close to a virtual fence, a series of beeps alerts them to the fence boundary. If they cross the fence line, they receive a "disincentive", a mild electric shock, and are guided back inside the line." Read more.

Bobby calves: Bobby calves (male calves of dairy cows) are normally unwanted by the dairy industry. Researchers are cross-breeding dairy cows with beef breeds so that bobby calves can be killed and eaten after a year, rather than being killed as "excess" after 4 days. Read more

Climate change: AgResearch scientists have been given $10 million to develop cattle better adapted to warmer temperatures and to lower methane emissions. Read more.

Places that use cattle for science in NZ include universities such as Lincoln University (who have their own research dairy farm) and Massey University (they also have their own dairy farms), private companies such as Abacus Bio Limited and Cognosco, crown institutes such as AgResearch, industry bodies such as Dairy NZ and by other organisations and individuals.

Cattle used for science in NZ are sourced from commercial establishments, farms, public sources, breeding units and other sources.

Discover real-life examples of how cattle have been used in NZ below!

Measuring thickness of blood vessel walls

Colony cats were anaesthetised, and the blood vessels under their tongue were measured with a special hand-held camera.

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Collecting faeces for lab tests

Colony cats were fed different diets for three weeks before their faeces was collected for analyses.

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Surveying caregivers on their cat feeding

New Zealand cat caregivers filled in an online survey about their household demographics and what/how they feed their cats.

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Testing new toxin in Hawke’s Bay (again)

Toxic bait traps were placed on a property in Hawke’s Bay. Cat population changes were monitored with stationary cameras.

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Assessing stress reaction to anaesthesia in cats

Cats were put through several anaesthetic infusions with six-day breaks in between. Regular saliva samples were taken 24 hours before and after, and urine was collected through a wire mesh tray.

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Trialling ready-made toxic bait

Toxic bait stations are set up in a regular pattern in an area and left for two weeks. Trial cameras and tracking tunnels monitor the effect on the population.

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Studying medical data of cat and dog CT-imaging

Medical data from cats and dogs were gathered, and animals that had been euthanised for other reasons were examined.

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Testing if a human diabetes drug might also work in cats

Research cats were placed in individual cages four times (one week each time) and injected with either a diabetes drug or a control solution. Several blood and urine samples were taken.

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Testing a cat food supplement for tooth health

Colony cats were anaesthetised, and all plaque was removed from their teeth. Four weeks later, new plaque build-up was measured.

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Sampling cats for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)

Buccal swabs (inside the cheek) were collected from almost 200 cats at 15 veterinary clinics.

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Testing food preferences of cats

Cats were fasted for two hours in the mornings and then presented with different foods (lamb and beef parts) to measure their consumption.

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Monitoring wild cats for a year

Wild cats are trapped and fitted with GPS collars. After one year, they are recaptured and killed.

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Trialling a lighter rifle to kill trapped wild cats

Captured wild cats were shot in the head using an air rifle and were assessed to confirm death by recording the time to loss of heartbeat.

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Testing a predictive marker for cancer survival in cats

Veterinary samples of cats with this form of cancer were analysed and compared with their remaining survival since diagnosis.

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Monitoring outdoor cat behaviour

Privately owned cats with outdoor access were fitted with camera and GPS collars for up to three days.

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Testing a diagnostic for feline coronavirus

Cats with specific symptoms were used to take blood, tissue, and fluid samples. Some blood samples were taken from control cats.

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Studying the genes for hairyness

The hairiness of male and female cattle was rated. Some animals had their rectal temperature taken repeatedly, and some were shut in a hot room for two hours to make them sweat. Eight calves were killed to take brain samples.

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Optimising fertility treatment

Young female cattle were treated with different hormonal injections to control their fertility cycle. Around ten rectal ultrasounds were done on each of them within 11 days, and several blood samples were taken in the next month. All but nine were artificially inseminated. The nine animals showed no fertility signs and were therefore useless for the study and the industry.

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Trying out a health test for breeding bulls

Breeding bulls were infected with a skin fungus that usually results in a dangerous build-up in the gall and eczema. Through a special diet, bulls can be tested for their reactions via repeated blood samples and ranked for their genetic quality.

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Testing a vaccine against miscarriage

Younger and older pregnant cattle were injected with a new vaccine against a parasite or just control solution. Skin reactions to the injection were checked, and blood samples were taken. Farmers reported miscarriages when they happened, and dead foetuses were collected if possible. If female calves were born, blood samples were taken from them, too.

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Studying Johne’s disease

Some female calves of a group were infected with bacteria causing life-threatening sickness. Poo samples were collected directly from the rectum of all calves every other month. Half were killed to be dissected at 7 months, the rest at 15 months.

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Studying Johne’s disease bacteria

Blood samples were taken from sick dairy cows who were sent to slaughter to see if their immune system was even putting up a fight. After slaughter, organ samples were taken.

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Finding a gene to increase casein in milk

Breeding bulls were evaluated on their quality by judging, breeding, and milking their daughters. No exact numbers are stated how many lived to the end of the study (5 lactations).

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Testing a new way to treat liver flukes

Young cattle were infected with liver flukes. They were treated with different medications or left untreated. Regular blood samples were taken from all animals for three weeks, and they were killed ten weeks later.

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Studying effects of stunning before slaughter

Calves and sheep were anaesthetised. Some got 70-volt shocks to the shoulder. Others had a nerve exposed and stimulated before being stunned or cutting their throat.

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Measuring brain reactions to stunning after killing

Calves were fasted for 24 hours and then anaesthetised. They were killed by their throats being cut, followed by stunning while measuring EEG/ECG (electronic heart and brain activity) and blood pressure.

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Measuring brain reactions to stunning

Calves were fasted, anaesthetised and stunned with a non-penetrative bolt while being monitored for their response. After measurements were taken, they were killed.

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Studying brain reactions to cutting blood vessels or neck tissue

Calves were anaesthetised, and their throat blood vessels exposed. While monitoring the brain“s activity (EEG) and blood pressure, either only the blood vessels or only the neck tissue was cut. The latter animals were then killed, too.

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Measuring if being slaughtered is unpleasant

Calves were fasted, anaesthetised, and killed by cutting their throat. EEG and ECG (recording electronic heart and brain activity) were measured with electrodes in the head.

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Measuring brain reactions to pain

Twenty calves were fasted and anaesthetised. Their horn buds were removed with a scoop, and pain response of the heart and brain with and without pain blockers.

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Testing mastitis treatments

Dairy cows with an udder infection were treated with different antibiotic injections. Milk samples were taken to monitor results.

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Trying to clone cows with more valuable milk protein

The genetic material of a cow foetus was manipulated and cloned into several cows. When they were less than one year old, they were injected with hormones to produce milk for sampling.

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Testing dogs’ preception of time

Dogs were trained to press different levers based on their exposure to different types of light.

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Testing working dogs for a gene mutation

Buccal swabs (inside the cheek) were collected from working dogs to analyse their DNA.</p><p id="">Procedure: Buccal samples were collected from 100 working farm dogs. Their owners were approached at gatherings such as Working Dog Trials, veterinary clinics and farms. Swabs were taken under the owner’s care. No adverse effects from the sampling were reported.

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Determining how common E. coli is in pets

Rectal swaps were taken from cats and dogs presented at veterinary clinics, and their caregivers filled out a questionnaire.

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Testing interest of dogs in different kiwi bird items

Dogs were taken to a small area to interact with different items that looked or smelled like kiwi bird. Some dogs had patches of hair shaved off to attach a heart rate monitor.

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Teaching dogs to smell out koi carps (2018)

Five pet dogs were trained over several months to identify the smell of koi carb from water samples.

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Measuring lean body mass of working dogs

Blood samples were taken from dogs, while they were deprived of water for 2 hours.

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Testing a possum poison for other animals’ safety

Dogs were fed dead possum, either whole or minced. Once they got used to eating this, they were fed with possums killed with sodium nitrite, and signs for poisoning were monitored. In the end, all animals were killed and dissected.

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Investigating separation anxiety in Greyhounds

The occurrence of separation anxiety with rehomed Greyhounds was investigated over one year.

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Investigating a muscle weakness disease in dogs

Blood samples were taken from dogs with signs of myopathy within the regular veterinary treatment. A total of 22 of the 86 cases were euthanised.

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Analysing CT scans of dogs

Veterinary data of German shepherd dogs were analysed; most were police dogs.

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Testing if bone marrow is different in different body parts

Dogs were killed, and samples of their bone marrow were taken from different locations on their bodies.

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Practising vet skills on different species

Students are taught anatomy, physiology, animal handling and basic clinical/husbandry skills. Dogs were used in for training in anaesthesia classes.

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Assessing blindness in racing greyhounds

Greyhounds were treated with pupil dilation drops to examine their eyes. Some were brought to a vet clinic for further tests.

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Testing a possum poison for other animals’ safety

Dogs, chickens and wild-caught cats were fed dead possum. Once they got used to eating this, they were fed possums killed with sodium nitrite, and signs for poisoning were monitored.

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Testing nutritional value of new pet food

Cats and dogs were fed a test diet exclusively for several months. Some adults are kept in metabolic chambers for 10 days, and blood samples are taken at the end.

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Scanning spines of dogs in CT

Police dogs and racing Greyhounds were sedated and computed tomography imaging was taken.

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Studying fish behaviour in groups of multiple species

Mixed-species groups of fish (partly caught in the wild) were placed in a tank and fasted for 24 hours. Food was given and an artificial predator was used to study behaviour.

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Studying food chains near CO2 vents

Fish and snails were observed and counted near CO2 vents and at control sites. Fish were also caught to examine their stomach content.

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Studying fish behaviour in single-species groups

Young fish were caught in the wild and split into groups of 15, 75, and 150 animals. After being fasted for 24 hours, food was given and an artificial predator was used to study behaviour.

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Testing the side-bias of fish (if they prefer to swim left or right)

Wild-caught fish were kept for 1.5 years before each fish was placed on a runway to observe their behaviour. Afterwards, fish were observed for schooling movements and some were killed to dissect their brains.

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Studying effects of Climate Change on farming in damselfish

Fish were observed for their algae farming behaviour near CO2 vents and at control sites (Bay of Plenty). Small areas were covered to keep the fish away for a month and compare algae growths measured to compare.

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Trying to estimate habitat quality from body condition

Snappers were hatched from eggs and raised on commercial food. They were kept in 800-litre flow-through tanks containing 170 to 260 fish each. At 80 days, they were fasted killed.

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Trying different techniques for tagging fish

Fish were bait-trapped and treated for parasites. They were used to test different tagging methods. In the second part of the experiment, fish were caught with two different methods, after which injuries and survival over 12 days were monitored.

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Studying fish near volcanic vents to learn about Climate Change

Fish near volcanic CO2 vents and at control sites were observed and counted. The reaction to baited underwater cameras and predator threats was filmed. Aquarium experiments were conducted with caught fish of different species.

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Verifying “fish-friendly” flood pumps

Eels were caught, measured and tagged with transponders into the gut skin. They were later re-captured, observed for wounds and fungus and killed to examine internal damage.

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Testing the temperature tolerance of Antarctic fish

Wild-caught fish were kept individually for months in tanks. During temperature experiments, fish of each group were tested for their breathing ability in small tubes before all fish were killed.

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Slowly poisoning fish

Snappers were fasted for three days and then fed with toxic fish. Several died during feeding, and the rest were killed at the end.

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Studying population changes in reef fish

Over 1,000 fish were caught by spearing at three NZ locations.

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Testing the hearing of fish

Fish were anaesthetised and strapped to a plastic slide near an underwater speaker. Electrodes were placed in their head and gills to measure brain activity. For medical imaging, fish were restrained in a plastic tube with a sponge to keep them wet.

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Developing a model for thermal stress in humans

Guinea pig pups were lightly anaesthetised, connected to devices measuring heart activity and breathing, and wrapped in a temperature-controlling blanket. Their body temperature was either forcefully raised or dropped.

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Testing how too much fructose is bad during pregnancy

Female guinea pigs were mated; some were fed additional sugary water until birth. The pups were used for several glucose tolerance tests and X-rays. All pups were killed in the end.

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Testing a seizure medicine for preterm babies

Pregnant guinea pigs were induced to give birth early, to test medication on their pups.

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Testing the effects of sedatives

Young guinea pigs were treated with different sedatives. Their heart rate and blood pressure were measured before and during each treatment.

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Testing an refined way of anaesthesia in guinea pigs

Guinea pigs were made to inhale anaesthetic gases. Different probes were inserted and attached to the animals to measure responses.

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Studying the effect of fructose during pregnancy

Guinea pigs were fed either normally or supplemented with fruit sugar before and during pregnancy until birth. Mothers and pups were tested for glucose tolerance.

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Studying the effects of meth

Guinea pigs were injected with sedatives, caffeine, and later meth. Under anaesthesia, their livers were cut out before they were killed.

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Studying preterm birth effects on the brain

Pregnant guinea pigs were grouped to give birth normally or be induced early. The pups were put through behavioural tests and then killed for dissection.

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Studying trauma and treatment of cochlear implants

After destroying their hearing with noise, guinea pigs were fitted with cochlear implants. Treatment success was tested before they were killed.

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Testing the measurement of pupil reflexes in Alzheimer’s research

Guinea pigs were repeatedly flashed in the eyes with a phone light to record the pupil responses.

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Teaching animal researchers

A range of animals is used to teach researchers handling and experimental methods.

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Investigating mechanisms slowing down the heart rate

Young guinea pigs were injected with blood thinner before being anaesthetised and dissected.

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Testing a device to assess hearing

Young guinea pigs were anaesthetised, electrodes placed under their skin, and their brain's response to sound was measured. All guinea pigs had one ear damaged, some both ears, before all were killed.

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Studying changes in the inner ear due to inflammation

Guinea pigs were injected into the ear with bacteria. Medical scans were done after injecting chemicals, and most were killed for dissection.

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Studying the effects of medication on memory

Guinea pigs were force-fed different drugs and later tested in a water maze before some were killed. Another group was exposed to carbon dioxide and decapitated.

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Studying how anaesthetics affect intestine movement

Guinea pigs and rats were anaesthetised, then dissected, and then killed, in that order.

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Testing a UV treatment for bacterial eye infection

Pigs’ eyes were acquired for testing a new treatment, followed by tests on live mice, most of whom were killed.

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Studying methane emission and meat quality

Sheep were bred for high and low methane emissions. Almost 2,000 were put through emission measurements. Over 17,000 were slaughtered.

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Testing if anaesthesia affects the sleep–wake cycle

Mice were kept on a 12-hour light/dark cycle and then switched to total darkness. They were anaesthetised twice to see the effect on their activity cycles, and all were killed in the end.

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Testing the influences on growth

Transgenic and "normal" mice were kept in small groups and killed at different ages. Fat and muscle tissue were dissected, and the hearts were taken.

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Testing a new way to kill lab mice

Mice were fed cream cheese containing different amounts of a sedative. Behaviour was recorded during the sedation period and while gassing them with CO2.

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Testing a possible cause for cataracts

Transgenic and "normal" mice were used to study the development of cataracts. They were anaesthetised, images of their eyes were taken, and then they were (likely all) killed.

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Studying chronic stress

Mice were handled daily, had vaginal smears, and some were subject to the notorious Forced Swim Test. Half of them were additionally stressed daily in various ways to see the difference it makes.

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Trialling cancer drugs in mice after similar drug failed in humans

Mice were force-fed daily with two new drugs in different dosages. Others were force-fed a control solution, and some were left untreated. In the end, the animals were killed with CO2 and dissected.

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Testing if exercise influences treatment success with cancer

Mice were injected with cancer cells. When tumours reached an “ethical” limit, they were injected with a labelling agent, anaesthetised and killed to be dissected. This was repeated, while some mice received cancer treatment.

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Testing if exercise influences muscle mass with cancer

Mice were injected with cancer cells, and some received immunotherapy once the tumour reached a specific size. When tumours reached an “ethical” limit, they were killed. Cancer-free control mice were killed simultaneously.

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Studying the interaction of hormones and stress

Transgenic mice had their brains injected, some had their ovaries removed, and some were restrained for repeated blood samples. In the end, all mice were killed.

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Studying movement processing in the brain

Transgenic mice were put through behavioural tests while half of them had a part of their brain-damaged. Some mice had a window put into their skull to take recordings of their brains while awake. They had limited access to water and were forced into a device that stopped them from moving their head. In the end, all were killed.

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Testing seizure activity in transgenic mice

Mice with specific genetic limitations were bred. Some were killed for dissection, and others were injected with a gene activation drug before they were killed.

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Testing a seizure treatment

Genetically modified mice had wires and a cannula implanted in their brains, and were injected to cause seizures. The next day, their genetic mutation was activated. The test was repeated before they were all killed.

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Observing cancer growth with/without treatment

Mice were injected with human breast cancer cells. The growth was monitored and sampled (biopsy). Some were operated on to remove their ovaries and some were treated with drugs before all were killed.

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Testing how hormones influence activity while pregnant

Transgenic and “normal” mice were used to test the influence of pregnancy and hormones on activity and anxiety. They were kept in single cages with running wheels and subjected to behavioural tests. The transgenic mice were killed in the end.

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Studying the digestion of kiwifruit

Pigs were surgically fitted with an outside access to their intestine. Faeces were collected through anal stimulation, and samples were taken from the intestine for six-hour periods.

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Testing feed supplements for their performance

Pigs were fed diets with different organic acids added. At a specific weight, they were slaughtered to collect samples.

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Comparing the digestion of egg white in different forms

Pigs were acclimated to eating egg whites of different textures. After being deprived of water for two hours, they were fed again and then killed in intervals over six hours.

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Testing ways of injecting nicotine

Pigs were anaesthetised and injected with nicotine through different methods. Blood samples were taken for two hours before the pigs were killed.

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Measuring brain response to tail-docking

Piglets were bought at one to fifteen days old and anaesthetised. Their tails were cut off while measuring brain activity, and then they were killed.

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Testing how cooking affects beef digestion

Pigs were fed ground beef for three days, either raw or cooked. They were then killed to cut out a part of their intestine.

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Trialling a method to measure intestine fermentation

Young pigs were fed a test diet for two weeks while confined in metabolic chambers. After that, they were killed with an anaesthetic injected into the heart.

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Testing how to gas piglets

Piglets were gassed plastic box to record their behaviour and vital signs.

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Testing the accuracy of heart activity measurements

Pigs were anaesthetised, their open chests were equipped with electrodes and closed again. After measurements, the hearts were stopped, images were taken, and the hearts were removed.

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Testing cholesterol absorption from baby formula

One-week-old piglets were kept in metabolic crates and fed baby formula for three weeks. They were then anaesthetised and killed to be dissected.

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Studying the digestion of protein through serial slaughter

Ninety young pigs were housed individually for 13 days; their diet contained kiwi fruit and beef. All were killed to be dissected.

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Studying the inner functions of the heart

Pigs were anaesthetised and their chests were cut open. Electrodes were inserted into their hearts so measurements could be taken before their hearts were removed.

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Testing the effect of pain killers during tail docking

Piglets were anaesthetised and their tails were removed using different methods. During these procedures, the heart and brain activity of the pigs were measured.

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Testing if pigs spread kauri tree sickness

A group of pigs was fed infected kauri roots for one day, and their faeces were collected for a week. Over 270 wild pigs were shot, and their stomach contents was sampled.

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Trialing xenotransplantation for diabetes

Four pigs were used to harvest cells for transplantation into humans.

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Studying sow and piglet behaviour in crates and pens

Sows and their newborn piglets were put in tightly confined crates or pens with slightly more room and their behaviour was observed.

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Studying food intake in an autism "model"

Pregnant rats were injected to cause autism-like symptoms in their babies. The male babies were put through behavioural tests with control animals as well as a feeding study. Some were fasted for 16 hours and killed by flushing their hearts.

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Testing the safety of a probiotic supplement

Rats were force-fed with a probiotic solution or control solution. After two weeks, they were killed for dissection.

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Studying the effects of obesity and mussel powder on bone health

Rats were kept alone and fed different diets containing normal or high amounts of fat or sugar. Some were supplemented with Greenshell mussel powder. X-rays were done, and some rats' ovaries were removed. Ultimately, all were killed by bleeding them out.

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Testing if a brain region controls memory

Some rats had their brains surgically heat-damaged. Electrodes were implanted to monitor brain activity and to stimulate the damaged parts with light. Rats then had to re-perform memory tests to see the impact before all were killed.

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Studying the communication between inner ear and brain

Rats were anaesthetised, and their inner ear was partly removed, before parts of their brains were stimulated with wire electrodes. Reactions of the rat's eyes and brain were recorded. In the end, all rats were killed.

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Testing a connection between tinnitus and brain function

Rats were anaesthetised and one ear was damaged with noise. Rats were taught that silence meant they would get electric shocks and freeze in fear. This was a test for tinnitus.

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Testing diabetic rats’ hearts

Genetically diabetic fat rats and their lean littermates were anaesthetised. Ultrasound images were made from their hearts. All were killed and dissected.

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Testing the effect of diabetes on pregnancy hormones

Rats were anaesthetised, and their brain was accessed through the mouth to measure reactions to stimulation. In the end, all rats were killed.

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Trying to study schizophrenia

Half of a group of pregnant rats were injected to affect their babies' brain development. Some pups were allowed to grow up to test their behaviour.

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Releasing a rat family into the wild to see where they go

A wild-caught rat was mated, fed a fluorescent dye, and released again with her pups. Traps, tunnels, and cameras were set up to track and eventually recapture the animals, which did not work 100%.

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Comparing digestion of sheep versus cow milk yoghurt

Rats were fed cow milk, sheep milk, cow yoghurt or sheep yoghurt for two weeks. They were gassed with CO2 before their necks were broken.

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Testing a rat poison that is unattractive for dogs

Rats were kept in small cages and fasted overnight. Then, they were given two food trays. One of them was scented with lion, tiger, or dog faeces.

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Comparing digestion of sheep versus cow milk

Rats were fed a test diet containing beef protein and received cow milk or sheep milk instead of drinking water. After 28 days, all were killed.

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Testing medication after heart attack

Rats were anaesthetised, and their hearts were exposed. A heart attack was simulated by blocking an artery. Some had dye injected into their brains, and some were injected with test drugs. All animals were killed.

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Testing a medicine against drug addiction

Mice's tails were dunked in hot water. Rats were put through cycles of drug-seeking and withdrawal using self-injection of cocaine. Other rats were injected, and their behaviour was tested (with the notorious Forces Swim Test, among others).

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Studying cell death in breast tissue

Mother rats had some of their newborns taken away, and several of her teats were sealed off after two weeks. They were killed after different waiting times to analyse the dying tissue.

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Testing out cloning as a breeding tool

Cloned embryos were implanted into 17 mother sheep. Two sheep were killed when induction did not work. The lambs survived only minutes.

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Undernourishing sheep to test glucose metabolism of their babies

Sheep were fed normally or only every three days. Some were killed during pregnancy. Born lambs were subjected to repeated glucose tolerance tests and killed.

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Testing a medication for vocal chord injuries

Sheep were anaesthetised, tissue samples were taken from their vocal folds, and most were treated with different medications. All were killed after one month.

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Testing if pre-term birth injections compromise glucose metabolism

Pre-term and full-term lambs were subjected to glucose tests, regular blood samples and a constant glucose infusion. Some were killed at four weeks, the rest at one-year-old.

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Studying the effect of Huntington’s disease on ageing

Transgenic sheep were produced through breeding, and blood samples were taken.

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Testing a first aide drug for severe bleeding

Sheep were anaesthetised and 30% of their blood was drained. After being treated with different medications, the drained blood was returned, and the sheep were killed.

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Studying ear posture while in pain

Lambs had their tails docked with a tight rubber band without pain relief. Their pain behaviour was recorded.

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Teaching animal researchers

A range of animals is used to teach researchers handling and experimental methods.

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Training students in surgical procedures

Pigs and sheep were used for training future surgeons.

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Teaching students surgical techniques

Sheep and pigs were used and killed in teaching students.

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Studying effects of stunning before slaughter

Calves and sheep were anaesthetised. Some got 70-volt shocks to the shoulder. Others had a nerve exposed and stimulated before being stunned or cutting their throat.

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Testing efficiency of strip-sowing 1080 bait

The toxin ‘1080’ was distributed as complete coverage and in a strip pattern. Effects on the wild rabbit numbers were evaluated.

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Testing new formulations of eye medication

The eyes of albino rabbits were treated with different medications. At regular intervals, several of them were killed.

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Taking blood samples over several days

Two New Zealand white rabbits were anaesthetised and restrained. Catheters were put into their ear veins to inject a solution and take regular blood samples.

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Harvesting rabbit caecum for more lab tests

Domestic dwarf rabbits were anaesthetised, their caecum was cut out, and then they were killed.

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Using rabbits as a model for human atherosclerosis

NZ White rabbits were fed pellets with or without added cholesterol for 10 weeks. They were killed with anaesthetic and taking blood from their heart until it stopped.

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Testing new drug formulations

NZ White rabbits were given a new drug formulation or ketamine. Righting reflex, paw withdrawal, and blood parameters were checked every minute.

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Infecting rabbits with a virus to have more samples of it

Samples of dead wild rabbits were taken to collect virus material. The virus was then used to infect rabbits and analyse their tissue.

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Injuring the sinus tract to test medication

NZ White rabbits were anaesthetised, and the sinus tracts in their nose were purposely injured to the bone. Two weeks after treatment, they were killed.

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Teaching animal researchers

A range of animals is used to teach researchers handling and experimental methods.

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Testing new drug formulations

Rats and rabbits were injected with a new anaesthetic, pinching their paw repeatedly to measure reflexes. Rats were giving the medication until they died.

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Testing the behaviour of a drug in rabbits’ blood

NZ White rabbits were infused with different medications, and blood samples were taken regularly for 24 hours.

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Testing a new drug delivery formulation

NZ White rabbits were injected with a radioactive solution, wrapped tightly, and recorded this way for 90min.

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Placing metal into rabbits’ jaws

NZ White rabbits were anaesthetised, and metal spheres were placed into their jaws. X-rays were taken to measure bone growth.

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Using rabbits as glaucoma surgery model

The eyes of NZ White rabbits were surgically opened and treated with different solutions. At intervals, some were killed to analyse the eye tissue.

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Monitoring vital signs of rabbits during intercourse

NZ White rabbits were anaesthetised and implanted with devices to measure vital signs. They were then monitored during intercourse.

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Harvesting rabbit caecum for lab tests

Domesticated rabbits were anaesthetised. Part of their digestive tract was removed, and then they were killed.

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