
Cattle are one of the most used animals for science in NZ. Learn about the many ways they are used!

Thousands of cattle are used for scientific purposes in Aotearoa every year. In fact, they have been one of the most commonly used animals in NZ science since 1989!

This sadly makes sense when you consider how widely they are exploited for their milk and their bodies.

The species of cattle is simplified to cows by many people. Actually, only the mothers are called cows:

  • Heifers are female cattle before they become mothers.
  • Calves are their babies.
  • The males are referred to as bulls (or steers if castrated).
Animal agriculture:

Thousands of cattle are used in Aotearoa every year in research aimed at trying to sustain, enhance and make more money for the animal agriculture industry.

Examples include research into:

1. Decreasing their negative impact on the environment - a cow on its own won't create a huge impact but because we have bred so many cattle in NZ, their collective impact is huge!

  • Cattle have been put in respiration chambers so the amount of methane they produce can be measured. Researchers have also glued urine sensors around their vulva to try and investigate ways of reducing the amount of nitrogen produced in their urine (methane and nitrogen can create negative impacts on the environment).

2. Increasing the survival rate of calves - not for the calves themselves but so the animal agriculture industry doesn't lose as much money.

3. Learning more about the fertility of cows (i.e., trying to improve artificial insemination and reduce the rest time in-between pregnancies for cows). Again, this research is not done for the cows themselves but so they be made pregnant as often as possible so that more money can be made from their exploitation.

4. Genetic modification to try and create more desirable traits in cattle (i.e., genetically modifying cows to change the properties of their milk).

5. Diseases that cattle on farms often get such as lameness, mastitis (a common infection of the udder in dairy cows) and fungal and parasitic infections. This type of research often involves making the animals sick on purpose.

6. Ways of housing and keeping large numbers of cattle on farms (i.e., research into bedding, floor types, shelter, shade and hygiene practices).

7. Trying to find more “humane” slaughter methods (i.e., investigating what type of gas kills piglets the quickest and if stunning animals before killing them creates less of a pain response).

8. Different types of pain relief for standard procedures in the animal agriculture industry (i.e. dehorning, castration, C-section).

9. Safety tests for chemicals and animal remedies, including medications, supplements and fertilizers.

10. Increasing milk or muscle (beef) production (i.e., feeding cattle different additives and measuring how its digested).

Fistulation: Cattle with holes cut into their bodies

For decades, researchers have artificially created fistulas (also known as cannulas) in ruminant animals such as cattle, sheep and deer. These are essentially window-like holes in the side of an animal's body.

Fistulas are tubes that are created surgically to connect a cow or sheep’s stomach to her skin. The outside of the fistula is covered with a plastic cap that can be opened by scientists to remove stomach contents for analysis or introduce foreign substances.

It is a painful procedure and cows are still suffering from the intrusive surgery up to 11 days after the surgery. Learn more here.

Additional calf exploitation - the calf blood industry

Calves and calf foetuses are killed, and the blood is drained from their bodies to be used in other research.

There are two main types of calf blood products: Fetal bovine serum and New Born Calf Serum.

Fetal bovine serum is taken from foetuses that have been removed from their mothers in slaughterhouses after they have been killed. A needle is injected into the foetus’ heart, and the blood is pumped out. The foetuses have to be alive during this so that their blood comes out easier. They also have to be at least three months into the gestation period to ensure that their heart is large enough to puncture.

Newborn Calf Serum is sourced similarly; calves who are 20 days old or younger have their heart punctured and are bled to death.

These products are used as a media base and growth supplement in many different types of research.

In the news

Mycoplasma Bovis: "Researchers will measure how M. Bovis impacts infected animals and herds, including physical signs, effects on milk yield and quality, weight gain in cattle, and the duration of these effects." Read more.

Cow shock collars: "Animals wear GPS-enabled collars that identify their location relative to invisible fence lines created on a digital farm map. The animals are trained to be guided by audio prompts (beeps) from the collars when required. As an animal gets close to a virtual fence, a series of beeps alerts them to the fence boundary. If they cross the fence line, they receive a "disincentive", a mild electric shock, and are guided back inside the line." Read more.

Bobby calves: Bobby calves (male calves of dairy cows) are normally unwanted by the dairy industry. Researchers are cross-breeding dairy cows with beef breeds so that bobby calves can be killed and eaten after a year, rather than being killed as "excess" after 4 days. Read more

Climate change: AgResearch scientists have been given $10 million to develop cattle better adapted to warmer temperatures and to lower methane emissions. Read more.

Places that use cattle for science in NZ include universities such as Lincoln University (who have their own research dairy farm) and Massey University (they also have their own dairy farms), private companies such as Abacus Bio Limited and Cognosco, crown institutes such as AgResearch, industry bodies such as Dairy NZ and by other organisations and individuals.

Cattle used for science in NZ are sourced from commercial establishments, farms, public sources, breeding units and other sources.

Discover real-life examples of how cattle have been used in NZ below!

Measuring thickness of blood vessel walls

Colony cats were anaesthetised, and the blood vessels under their tongue were measured with a special hand-held camera.

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Collecting faeces for lab tests

Colony cats were fed different diets for three weeks before their faeces was collected for analyses.

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Surveying caregivers on their cat feeding

New Zealand cat caregivers filled in an online survey about their household demographics and what/how they feed their cats.

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Testing new toxin in Hawke’s Bay (again)

Toxic bait traps were placed on a property in Hawke’s Bay. Cat population changes were monitored with stationary cameras.

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Assessing stress reaction to anaesthesia in cats

Cats were put through several anaesthetic infusions with six-day breaks in between. Regular saliva samples were taken 24 hours before and after, and urine was collected through a wire mesh tray.

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Trialling ready-made toxic bait

Toxic bait stations are set up in a regular pattern in an area and left for two weeks. Trial cameras and tracking tunnels monitor the effect on the population.

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Studying medical data of cat and dog CT-imaging

Medical data from cats and dogs were gathered, and animals that had been euthanised for other reasons were examined.

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Testing if a human diabetes drug might also work in cats

Research cats were placed in individual cages four times (one week each time) and injected with either a diabetes drug or a control solution. Several blood and urine samples were taken.

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Testing a cat food supplement for tooth health

Colony cats were anaesthetised, and all plaque was removed from their teeth. Four weeks later, new plaque build-up was measured.

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Sampling cats for feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV)

Buccal swabs (inside the cheek) were collected from almost 200 cats at 15 veterinary clinics.

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Testing food preferences of cats

Cats were fasted for two hours in the mornings and then presented with different foods (lamb and beef parts) to measure their consumption.

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Monitoring wild cats for a year

Wild cats are trapped and fitted with GPS collars. After one year, they are recaptured and killed.

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Trialling a lighter rifle to kill trapped wild cats

Captured wild cats were shot in the head using an air rifle and were assessed to confirm death by recording the time to loss of heartbeat.

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Testing a predictive marker for cancer survival in cats

Veterinary samples of cats with this form of cancer were analysed and compared with their remaining survival since diagnosis.

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Monitoring outdoor cat behaviour

Privately owned cats with outdoor access were fitted with camera and GPS collars for up to three days.

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Testing a diagnostic for feline coronavirus

Cats with specific symptoms were used to take blood, tissue, and fluid samples. Some blood samples were taken from control cats.

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Investigating how worms spread between lambs and calves

Lambs and calves were treated against parasites and then infected with worm eggs. Infection status was monitored. This was repeated several times before all sheep were killed.

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Testing a fertility treatment

Cows with fertility problems were treated with hormones for ten days or left untreated. All were then artificially inseminated.

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Testing a supplement for more calcium intake

Pregnant cows were fed with or without a specific feed additive. After birth, all were fed the same diet. Blood samples were taken in the weeks around birth.

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Checking endometritis rates in dairy herds

Some cows in several dairy herds were selected, and their vaginal discharge was measured and sampled. They were then impregnated as per standard agricultural practice.

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Comparing weight gain with different diets

Newborn calves were raised on various milk, pasture, and pellets combinations. They were slaughtered at two years old, and their “quality” was measured.

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Testing pain meds for disbudding

The horn buds of young calves who were slightly sedated were burned off with a hot iron. Half of them received pain meds beforehand, and blood samples were taken before and after. After 24 hours, the second group received pain meds, too.

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Studying Ikeda infection and treatment

Regular blood samples were taken from cows on three different farms. Only some were treated against the parasite. Milk production and fertility were recorded.

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Studying diarrhea infection

New mother cows had blood samples taken. If the sample was negative for a diarrhoea virus, they were sampled again after a while.

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Studying genes for body size

Udders of dairy cows were slightly cut with a scalpel, and a tissue sample was taken with a biopsy needle.

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Testing toxicity of a potential new fertiliser

Pigs were fed toxic bait and monitored until they died.

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Studying stress around birth

Blood samples were taken from cows with a high or low risk of health concerns after birth.

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Studying genetics of a missing tail

Cloned foetuses were implanted into female cattle to research taillessness. Some of them were killed during pregnancy to examine the foetuses. One tailless animal was killed at age 4, and one of the cloned calves died after birth.

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Studying Ikeda (parasite) infection

Blood samples were taken from dairy cows and their calves directly after birth before separating them. After four months, the calves were sampled again.

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Studying Osteoporosis in cows

Young female cattle who had given birth for the first time were sent to slaughter. Half of them had broken bones for between 2 and 10 days. Blood samples were taken before slaughter, and bones were collected after.

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Testing a tuberculosis vaccine

Male calves were infected with bacteria. Two groups were vaccinated before or after the infection, and the third group was left untreated. All were killed and dissected 13 weeks later.

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Testing feeding plans for better immunity after calving

Pregnant cows were fed either a bit too much or a bit too little. Blood samples were taken before, at, and after calving. Researchers also took liver samples with a 20-cm biopsy needle and vaginal samples with a small brush and a scoop at these dates, except for the date of birth.

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Testing a “Kiwiball” to teach kiwi aversion to dogs (2014)

Dogs were exposed to a device mimicking a kiwi bird, getting an electric shock upon touching it. The learning effect was tested several weeks later.

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Testing a morphine alternative for pain

Dogs undergoing castration were treated with different pain relief and their pain response was measured. During surgery, EEG was measured to see differences in response to the process. After surgery, the pain level was determined through a behavioural assessment several times.

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Studying selenium metabolism

Animals were fed diets with different selenium supplementation for three weeks in individual metabolic chambers. A liver biopsy was taken under anaesthesia.

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Studying selenium metabolism

Cats and dogs were fed diets with different selenium supplementation for three weeks in individual metabolic chambers. A liver biopsy was taken under anaesthesia.

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Testing treatment of a neurodegenerative disease

Dogs with Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS IIIA) received medication, either from birth or 12 weeks to 23 weeks of age. One group received a placebo. Drugs were given under anaesthesia, either as injections into the vein or close to the brain. At 23 weeks old, all puppies were killed and their brains removed.

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Evaluating the efficiency of kiwi aversion training

Dogs who had experienced either none, one or two times of kiwi aversion training with shock collars were observed near a caged live kiwi.

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Testing a “Kiwiball” to teach kiwi aversion to dogs (2010)

Dogs were exposed to a device mimicking a kiwi bird, getting an electric shock upon touching it. The learning effect was tested several weeks later.

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Trying out genetically sick dogs as models for human disease

Dogs with Mucopolysaccharidosis (MPS) IIIA were bred within an experimental colony. As part of characterizing them as a model for testing, the dogs were killed for dissection.

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Testing new toxin against stoats and wild pets

Dogs, cats and stoats were fed different versions of toxic bait. Symptoms and time of death were monitored. Four dogs and two cats survived, but their fate is not stated.

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Testing a pesticide as dog poison

Pound dogs were fed poison in different concentrations and different bait. More than half died within 4 hours.

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Studying how viruses spread in fish

Fish were caught with nets and killed.

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Using fish to study the impacts of Climate Change

Fish were either bought or caught and killed so that they could be dissected.

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Overfeeding Zebrafish to learn about obesity

Normal and transgenic zebrafish were fed normally or way too much. The fish were taken out of the water for glucose tests and blood samples.

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Studying gut bacteria in fish

Nine fish were caught by underwater spearing and killed so that samples could be collected from their digestion tracts.

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Studying the sleep of sharks

Sharks were caught and kept in outside tanks. For the experiments, they weren't fed for at least 4 days, of which they spent 3 days in a measuring chamber not much bigger than the shark. Oxygen consumption and behaviour were continuously recorded for the last 24 hours.

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Infecting fish larvae as a potential model for humans

Zebrafish larvae were injected with bacteria to test how their immune system responds. This was repeated to test how well the immune system reacted and how long the effect lasts.

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Finding a “growth gene” in snappers

Snappers were caught from the wild and bred. Around eighty-thousand of their offspring were hatched and raised. At regular “grading” events, injured and deformed fish were disposed of. At just under a year old, around twenty-two-thousand were left and transported to a sea pen, where they were raised to 17.5 months old before harvesting.

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Testing how much fat you can feed fish

Fish in aquaculture were divided into groups and fed diets with different fat content. Fish were anaesthetised and faeces samples squeezed out of them.

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Testing fish for mercury contamination

Wild fish were caught, measured and frozen to be analysed.

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Measuring how stress affects fish

Fish were exposed to chronic stress for four weeks, while 57 non-stressed animals were kept as a control. Signs of stress were noted. At the end of the experiment, all were chilled to death.

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Exposing fish to herbicides

Zebrafish were kept in tanks that were contaminated with different herbicide concentrations for 10 days. They were then mated to herbicide-exposed or control fish. Both generations were tested on behavioural changes at around 4 months of age. 24 fish per treatment were killed and dissected.

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Testing supplements as protection from toxins in over 1,000 fish embryos

Embryos were harvested and kept in Petri dishes for toxicity and treatment tests. Embryos were treated with an antioxidant, a gold salt or both on the first day, and abnormal development was measured on day 5.

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Studying effects of drying rivers on mudfish

Water depth and quality were measured at 24 different sites. Several traps for fish and invertebrates were set at 8 visits, sampling and mostly killing the caught animals (including 15 individuals of the endangered Kōwaro).

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Studying bacterial spread in fish larvae

Bacteria were genetically modified and made fluorescent. Zebrafish were bred, and their larvae were infected with the bacteria. The fish were killed for analyses or used for live imaging under a microscope (and then killed, most likely).

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Investigating effects of invasive fish removal

Using fyke nets and electrofishing, fish were caught on four occasions. Fish were marked with fin clippings around one big removal event where 3 tonnes of fish were caught. In recaptures a week after each marking event, invasive fish caught were killed after the examination.

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Studying fish life cycles

Fish were sedated and their blood and ovarian tissue were sampled three times.

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Questioning vets on pain management

Veterinarians completed a questionnaire regarding pain and pain management in rabbits and guinea pigs.

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Testing nerve reactions to electric stimulation

Young guinea pigs were bled to death. Specific nerves were removed and experimented on.

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Studying short-sightedness

Guinea pigs had one eye covered for two weeks before increasing their eye pressure surgically and kill them.

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Measuring nerve reactions to gases

Guinea pigs were anaesthetised, and their windpipe and blood vessels were cannulated. They were exposed to different gases and cyanide while measuring breathing and nerve activity.

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Studying how anaesthesia affects breathing and heart

Guinea pigs were put in airtight chambers to test the effects of low oxygen. Some were surgically fitted with tubing so blood samples could be taken during the tests. In the end, all were killed.

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Studying compensation after inner ear destruction

Guinea pigs were anaesthetised, and their inner ear was destroyed with a drill. Videos were made for over two days of their balance recovery.

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Killing pregnant guinea pigs for tissue cultures

Pregnant guinea pigs were anaesthetised at specific time points of their pregnancy, including during labour, to then remove the uterus for tissue culture experiments.

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Testing how oxytocin injections cause contractions

Pregnant guinea pigs were surgically implanted with electrodes on or near the uterus. They were injected with oxytocin in specific doses and timeframes, and the effects were measured.

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Harvesting testicles for studies

Male guinea pigs were killed with CO2 to remove their testicles for experiments.

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Testing a new tuberculosis vaccine

A new tuberculosis vaccine was tested by injecting guinea pigs with the bacteria, either with or without prior vaccination. After several weeks, all were killed.

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Testing how heart calcium metabolism is different in species

Guinea pigs and rats were decapitated, and their hearts were quickly removed to study them.

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Testing influences on the rate of a dissected heart

Albino guinea pigs were anaesthetised and dissected before they were killed.

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Confirming the correlation of energy storage and stress in the inner ear fluid

Guinea pigs were anaesthetised and artificially ventilated. Ear fluid samples were taken through a hole in the skull, while exposing them to noise or lack of oxygen.

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Comparing natural and genetically altered tuberculosis strains

Guinea pigs were infected with tuberculosis strains after being injected with bacterial proteins beforehand. In the end, all guinea pigs were killed and dissected.

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Comparing effects of anaesthetics on breathing and heart rate

Guinea pigs, rabbits and rats were anaesthetised, and a tube was put into their windpipe through the neck. They were made to breathe anaesthetic gas.

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Testing a UV treatment for bacterial eye infection

Pigs’ eyes were acquired for testing a new treatment, followed by tests on live mice, most of whom were killed.

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Studying methane emission and meat quality

Sheep were bred for high and low methane emissions. Almost 2,000 were put through emission measurements. Over 17,000 were slaughtered.

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Testing if anaesthesia affects the sleep–wake cycle

Mice were kept on a 12-hour light/dark cycle and then switched to total darkness. They were anaesthetised twice to see the effect on their activity cycles, and all were killed in the end.

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Testing the influences on growth

Transgenic and "normal" mice were kept in small groups and killed at different ages. Fat and muscle tissue were dissected, and the hearts were taken.

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Testing a new way to kill lab mice

Mice were fed cream cheese containing different amounts of a sedative. Behaviour was recorded during the sedation period and while gassing them with CO2.

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Testing a possible cause for cataracts

Transgenic and "normal" mice were used to study the development of cataracts. They were anaesthetised, images of their eyes were taken, and then they were (likely all) killed.

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Studying chronic stress

Mice were handled daily, had vaginal smears, and some were subject to the notorious Forced Swim Test. Half of them were additionally stressed daily in various ways to see the difference it makes.

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Trialling cancer drugs in mice after similar drug failed in humans

Mice were force-fed daily with two new drugs in different dosages. Others were force-fed a control solution, and some were left untreated. In the end, the animals were killed with CO2 and dissected.

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Testing if exercise influences treatment success with cancer

Mice were injected with cancer cells. When tumours reached an “ethical” limit, they were injected with a labelling agent, anaesthetised and killed to be dissected. This was repeated, while some mice received cancer treatment.

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Testing if exercise influences muscle mass with cancer

Mice were injected with cancer cells, and some received immunotherapy once the tumour reached a specific size. When tumours reached an “ethical” limit, they were killed. Cancer-free control mice were killed simultaneously.

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Studying the interaction of hormones and stress

Transgenic mice had their brains injected, some had their ovaries removed, and some were restrained for repeated blood samples. In the end, all mice were killed.

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Studying movement processing in the brain

Transgenic mice were put through behavioural tests while half of them had a part of their brain-damaged. Some mice had a window put into their skull to take recordings of their brains while awake. They had limited access to water and were forced into a device that stopped them from moving their head. In the end, all were killed.

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Testing seizure activity in transgenic mice

Mice with specific genetic limitations were bred. Some were killed for dissection, and others were injected with a gene activation drug before they were killed.

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Testing a seizure treatment

Genetically modified mice had wires and a cannula implanted in their brains, and were injected to cause seizures. The next day, their genetic mutation was activated. The test was repeated before they were all killed.

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Observing cancer growth with/without treatment

Mice were injected with human breast cancer cells. The growth was monitored and sampled (biopsy). Some were operated on to remove their ovaries and some were treated with drugs before all were killed.

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Testing how hormones influence activity while pregnant

Transgenic and “normal” mice were used to test the influence of pregnancy and hormones on activity and anxiety. They were kept in single cages with running wheels and subjected to behavioural tests. The transgenic mice were killed in the end.

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Harvesting colon tissue for laboratory tests

Pigs were killed and their colon tissue was used for laboratory testing.

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Testing if pigs can be fed by-products from biofuel and food processing

Pigs were fed a standard diet or a diet containing by-products from other industries. They were slaughtered to compare meat growth and quality.

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Studying starch digestion in pigs to try and model humans

Pigs were fed different diets containing durum wheat or rice. Some had regular blood samples taken through a catheter. All the animals were killed at the end.

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Validating a treatment for stomach muscle dysfunctions

Pigs were anaesthetised, their bellies were opened, and electrodes were placed on their stomach walls before and after damaging some stomach tissue with heat. All pigs were killed.

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Assessing pigs as digestion models for humans

Titanium tubes were implanted into pigs’ intestines. Digested food was collected through the tube for 9 hours.

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Testing the effect of different species’ milk on brain gene expression

Piglets were fed different kinds of milk from other species for 15 days. They were killed to dissect their brains.

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Testing transmitter implantation on wild pigs

Wild pigs were captured, and three different tracking devices were fixed to or implanted into each one. After 104 days, they were tracked down and killed.

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Investigating oxygen content in the gut

Pigs were fed diets with different or no protein sources as a control. After a week, all were killed.

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Testing a UV treatment for bacterial eye infection

Pigs’ eyes were acquired for testing a new treatment, followed by tests on live mice, most of whom were killed.

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Testing the effect of different species’ milk on protein digestion

Piglets were fed different kinds of milk from other species for 15 days. They were killed to dissect their stomachs.

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Testing the strain on a temporary surgical implant

A surgical implant was screwed to a severed pig head, and measurements were taken via laser scanning.

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Investigating intestine movements

Young pigs and NZ White rabbits were anaesthetised. A part of their intestine was pulled out far enough to record its movements and signalling.

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Harvesting rabbit and pig eyes for lab tests

The eyes of slaughtered rabbits and pigs killed for experiments were used to analyse the structure of the cornea.

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Harvesting eyes for lab tests

The eyes of pigs and rabbits killed for experiments were used to analyse the structure of the cornea.

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Testing a treatment for stomach muscle dysfunctions

Pigs were anaesthetised, their bellies were opened, and electrodes were placed on their stomach walls before and after damaging some stomach tissue with heat. All pigs were killed.

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Testing how electric stimulation affects stomach movements

Nine pigs were anaesthetised, their bellies were opened, and electrodes were placed on the stomach walls. Electric stimulation tests were performed before the pigs were killed.

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Comparing effects of anaesthetics on breathing and heart rate

Guinea pigs, rabbits and rats were anaesthetised, and a tube was put into their windpipe through the neck. They were made to breathe anaesthetic gas.

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Testing out cloning as a breeding tool

Cloned embryos were implanted into 17 mother sheep. Two sheep were killed when induction did not work. The lambs survived only minutes.

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Undernourishing sheep to test glucose metabolism of their babies

Sheep were fed normally or only every three days. Some were killed during pregnancy. Born lambs were subjected to repeated glucose tolerance tests and killed.

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Testing a medication for vocal chord injuries

Sheep were anaesthetised, tissue samples were taken from their vocal folds, and most were treated with different medications. All were killed after one month.

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Testing if pre-term birth injections compromise glucose metabolism

Pre-term and full-term lambs were subjected to glucose tests, regular blood samples and a constant glucose infusion. Some were killed at four weeks, the rest at one-year-old.

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Studying the effect of Huntington’s disease on ageing

Transgenic sheep were produced through breeding, and blood samples were taken.

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Testing a first aide drug for severe bleeding

Sheep were anaesthetised and 30% of their blood was drained. After being treated with different medications, the drained blood was returned, and the sheep were killed.

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Studying ear posture while in pain

Lambs had their tails docked with a tight rubber band without pain relief. Their pain behaviour was recorded.

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Teaching animal researchers

A range of animals is used to teach researchers handling and experimental methods.

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Training students in surgical procedures

Pigs and sheep were used for training future surgeons.

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Teaching students surgical techniques

Sheep and pigs were used and killed in teaching students.

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Studying effects of stunning before slaughter

Calves and sheep were anaesthetised. Some got 70-volt shocks to the shoulder. Others had a nerve exposed and stimulated before being stunned or cutting their throat.

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Investigating intestine movements

Young pigs and NZ White rabbits were anaesthetised. A part of their intestine was pulled out far enough to record its movements and signalling.

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Harvesting rabbit and pig eyes for lab tests

The eyes of slaughtered rabbits and pigs killed for experiments were used to analyse the structure of the cornea.

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Causing sinusitis in rabbits as a model

NZ White rabbits were anaesthetised, and a sinus tract in their nose was blocked for four weeks to cause sinusitis. After another ten weeks with regular samples, they were killed.

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Testing a new vaccine

NZ White rabbits were injected with a new vaccine type several times before being killed.

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Harvesting eyes for lab tests

The eyes of pigs and rabbits killed for experiments were used to analyse the structure of the cornea.

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Testing the toxicity of some substances

Young NZ White rabbits were force-fed different doses of toxic substances. Blood samples were taken before and immediately after killing them at set time points (or to end their suffering).

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Using a new imaging technology

One NZ White rabbit and rats were killed, and their eyes were removed to use for the study.

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Measuring contractions in exposed rabbit uteruses

Pregnant rabbits were anaesthetised, and their uterus was exposed. Measurements were taken while contraction-inducing injections were given. Then they were all killed for dissection.

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Mapping wave patterns of the small intestine

NZ White rabbits were anaesthetised, their intestines were used for electrode mapping, and then they were killed.

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Studying presence of a virus in rabbits

Wild rabbits were shot, caught by dogs or trapped to test them for virus strains. The infectious solution was then fed to NZ White rabbits in a lab to kill them later.

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Harvesting rabbit colons for lab tests

NZ White rabbits were anaesthetised, a part of their intestine was cut out, and then they were killed.

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Harvesting rabbit bladders for lab tests

NZ White rabbits were anaesthetised, their bladder was cut out, and then they were killed.

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Testing an antimicrobial eye medication

NZ White rabbits were treated with Manuka honey solution in one eye and a control solution in the other eye for five days. Different values like tearing and irritation were measured.

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Using muscles of dead rabbits for imaging

Two NZ White rabbits were killed to use for detailed muscle imaging.

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Measuring jaw bone growth in young rabbits

Young rabbits were anaesthetised and had holes drilled into their jawbones to implant small pieces of metal. X-ray scans were made, and the rabbits were killed.

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Testing the welfare impact of pindone toxin

Three groups of young NZ White Rabbits received pindone-toxin pellets on different schedules. Any rabbit still alive after three weeks was killed.

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