Are You Inadvertently Funding Animal Testing With Your KiwiSaver?

The main KiwiSaver plans invest in cruel and invalid animal experimentation. The good news is that there is now an ethical option available — Pathfinder!
April 15, 2020

Unfortunately, the main KiwiSaver plans invest in cruel and invalid animal experimentation. The good news is that there is now an ethical option available — Pathfinder!

Pathfinder (previously called CareSaver) is a KiwiSaver plan that goes further than simply avoiding companies that harm our society – they seek out companies actively making a positive difference.

Pathfinder avoids companies and/or industries causing environmental or social harm, including animal testing, factory farming or other forms of animal exploitation.

In these unprecedented and economically uncertain times, most of us have seen our KiwiSaver take a plunge.

The Pathfinder KiwiSaver scheme, however, is outperforming in the industry. In the first quarter this year, CareSaver's Conservative Fund actually achieved a positive return, while its Balanced and Growth Funds each outperformed the market average by over 5%.

Making the Switch

To swap to Pathfinder, just follow these easy steps:

1. Go to the Pathfinder website to read more

2. Fill out the form. You will need your IRD number as well as a passport or driving license.

Charity Partners

Pathfinder donates 20% of their fees to charities and NZAVS is an official registered charity partner of Pathfinder so you can choose us to support when you make the switch!

Legal Disclaimer: Pathfinder Asset Management Limited is the issuer of the Pathfinder KiwiSaver Plan. A product Disclosure Statement for the offer is available at 0% animal testing data from Mindful Money Check and Compare

Learn more

With your help we can end animal experimentation in Aotearoa.