This years winners of our Cruelty Free NZ Awards are:

FIRST PLACE: Kester Black
Kester Black products are Australian-made, cruelty-free and 100% Vegan. They make stunning nail polishes, nail polish removers, lipsticks and eyeliners!
They won the Cruelty Free NZ Awards back in 2020 and are NZAVS Business Alliance members.
The Founder of Kester Black, Anna Ross was thrilled to win again:
“We're honoured to be this year's winner of the NZAVS Cruelty-Free Awards for 2023 after having won in 2020. It's an important acknowledgement of the hard work we put in to maintain our very stringent ethical standards. We will use this as an opportunity to educate our community about the importance of voting with their dollars to support the global effort to end animal testing.”
Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
SECOND PLACE: Scenturie Natural Skincare
Scenturie Natural Skincare creates award-winning natural skincare products that are 100% vegan, nutrient-rich, ethically sourced, and backed by science. They are also NZAVS Business Alliance members.
Scenturie Natural Skincare Founder, Tania Cibulskis had this to say about winning one of our awards:
“I am honoured and delighted that Scenturie Natural Skincare has been awarded Second Place in the 2023 Cruelty Free NZ Awards! We are so grateful to our customers and supporters who recognise the importance of cruelty-free and vegan skincare products. A huge thank you NZAVS for their incredible passion, commitment, and ongoing efforts in helping to put an end to animal testing in New Zealand.”
Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
THIRD PLACE: Lust Haircare
Lust make a wide range of cruelty-free hair care products including conditioner, shampoo, hair spray, hair treatments, hair dye, dry shampoo and more! All of their products are 100% vegan.
Lust Haircare Founder, Lionel Paisnel was delighted to win:
“We are so proud to be one of the winners of the NZAVS Cruelty-Free Awards for 2023. Being a cruelty-free and vegan brand is a huge part of our identity and one of the driving forces behind Lust Haircare and we are very grateful to be recognised for this. Thank you to everyone who voted for us, we appreciate you all very much.”
Follow them on Facebook and Instagram.
This annual awards system was set up to promote the genuinely cruelty-free companies that are helping pave the way to a fully cruelty-free Aotearoa.
Every year, we invite the public to vote for their favourite brand featured in our Cruelty Free Guide — the companies that receive the most votes (over a two-week period) are named our Cruelty Free NZ Awards winners!
Our Cruelty Free NZ Awards are the perfect way to give companies that are 100% free from animal testing the public recognition that they deserve. We also hope that they act as another reminder for Kiwis to make sure that the products they are purchasing are not tested on animals.
More and more brands around the globe are moving away from the cruelty of animal testing. This is no accident. It is a direct result of people around the world voting with their wallets and showing that there is a demand for cruelty-free products.
It's important that we keep up this momentum and keep paving the way for a cruelty-free Aotearoa. One of the best ways we can do that is by shining a light on the genuinely cruelty-free companies that are actively ensuring that their products will never be tested on animals.