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Ban the Import and Sale of Animal-Tested Cosmetic Products and Ingredients in NZ

Petition to the House of Representatives

We ask you to:

Ban the import and sale of animal-tested cosmetic products in Aotearoa, New Zealand, consistent with the current ban on animal testing for domestically produced cosmetics and ingredients.

Why Is This Petition Important?

Together in 2015, we proudly banned animal testing for cosmetics within Aotearoa. Doing so proved to the world that we care about animals and don’t want cruelty-filled cosmetics on our shelves.  

But NO BAN exists on the import and sale of cosmetic products and ingredients that have been tested on animals overseas when a staggering 80% of imported cosmetics stack shop shelves up and down the motu. 

Together we need to stop this cruel double standard!

Animals deserve better. They should not be made to suffer for cosmetics, only for their pain to be hidden from confused consumers who believe they are buying cruelty-free, not cruelty-filled cosmetics.  

It's time to end this cruel double standard and ensure that every cosmetic sold in Aotearoa is cruelty-free.  No compromise! No cruelty!  

Sign the petition now - Demand a ban on the import and sale of animal-tested cosmetic products and ingredients in NZ!

Take action for animals now! Sign the petition:
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