NZAVS is Aotearoa’s leading Charity dedicated to the elimination of animal experimentation, and we've been leading the fight against this archaic and cruel practice since 1978!

We're most well-known for our involvement in the renowned campaigns that successfully banned the testing of cosmetics and legal highs on animals in NZ.


To end animal experimentation and the harmful use of animals for research, testing and teaching in Aotearoa, New Zealand.


At NZAVS, we work tirelessly to end animal experimentation in Aotearoa, New Zealand by: 

  • Advocating - for the use and funding of scientifically viable and ethical, animal-free research, testing and teaching methods.
  • Lobbying—for policy and legal changes, as well as changes to the systems that use animals for research, testing, and teaching methods. 
  • Collaborating - with as many decision-makers and key stakeholders as we can, at all levels, to influence and create positive long-term change for animals used in research, testing and teaching. 
  • Educating - to help change cultural, societal, and organisational behaviour and attitudes towards using animals in research, testing and teaching.


An Aotearoa, New Zealand, that advances science without harming and experimenting on animals.


Animals are sentient beings, not commodities: As non-consenting, sentient beings capable of a wide range of emotions, including pain, fear, and happiness, it's unethical and immoral to harm and exploit animals.

Animal experimentation cannot reliably predict human outcomes: Due to fundamental biological differences, no species can accurately model another. As a result, animal experiments often fail to predict human responses to diseases, drugs, and treatments, leading to flawed and misleading results.

Animal-free and human-relevant methods will advance scientific progress: Replacing the harmful use of animals in science with animal-free and human-relevant methods will lead to more reliable, effective, and empirically valid scientific outcomes.


Integrity and Ethics: We act with integrity and strive to be ethical towards humans, animals, and the environment.

Evidence-Based: Our work is grounded in valid scientific evidence.

Inclusivity: We aim to achieve our mission without marginalising any people subjected to oppression, including tangata whenua, LGBTQIA+, and others.

Respect for Māori: We honour Māori as the traditional guardians of Aotearoa and recognise Te Tiriti o Waitangi as our nation's founding document. We are committed to continually improving how we uphold its principles as an organisation.

Nonviolent Kaupapa: We do not support any activities that incite violence or abuse, verbal or otherwise.

Vegan and Eco-Friendly: We strictly avoid animal products in all our operations and continuously enhance our environmental practices.

Non-Partisan: We support policies that contribute towards our mission without aligning with any single political party or group.


With your help we can end animal experimentation in Aotearoa.